Healthy and Vibrant Main Streets: Unlocking the Potential of Rhode Island’s Commercial Districts
Thursday, November 16, 2023
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Barn at the Guild – 461 Main Street – Pawtucket, RI
On November 16, 2023 Grow Smart RI hosted over 120 people at the Guild in Pawtucket for a public forum titled Healthy & Vibrant Main Streets: Unlocking the Potential of Rhode Island’s Commercial Corridors.

The event featured speakers from all the other New England states and focused on the benefits to local businesses, residents, and communities of adopting Main Street America’s “Four Points” approach to place-based economic development, beginning with the establishment of a statewide Main Street Coordinating Program.
View Delilah’s presentation slides
View Biddeford’s GAMSA video
Main Street America’s Senior Director of Coordinating Programs, Kathy LaPlante, then provided an overview of Main Street America’s history, mission, structure, and initiatives. The national organization supports the state programs who in turn support the many programs at the local level.
View Kathy’s presentation slides
Watch a video introduction to Main Street America
View the recording of the second morning session.
Within the City of Boston there are 20 local Main Street programs, supported by a citywide coordinating program. The Executive Director of one of those local programs, Ed Gaskin from Greater Grove Hall Main Streets, described some of his neighborhood’s challenges and his program’s successes.
View Ed’s presentation slides
View a short video: how Main Street transformed Greater Grove Hall
At the state level, the Connecticut Main Street Center serves as a model that Rhode Island could follow, where at least some of their programs are always available to every community in the state. Executive Director Michelle McCabe described the direct economic benefits to the state of Connecticut realized because of the CT Main Street Center, which has been operating since 1995.
View Michelle’s presentation slides.
The state of Vermont houses its Main Street program (known as the “Downtown Program”) within its state government, specifically the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. Gary Holloway, who manages the Downtown Program, shared how his program has been supporting community-driven creative placemaking projects and how Main Street programs benefited communities during the flooding in July 2023.
View Gary’s presentation slides.
The morning session concluded with some Q&A and a description of Grow Smart RI’s rationale and proposal to house a Main Street Coordinating Program under its umbrella. Participants were asked to fill out a survey to assist with advocacy for state funding for a program (as all other state programs receive.) Grow Smart RI announced its intention to (finally!) begin a monthly Main Street RI newsletter and series of virtual roundtable sessions.
Fill out the survey.
Sign up for Main Street RI emails (separate from Grow Smart RI communications.) Note: scroll to the bottom of the linked page.
View the recording of the afternoon session on YouTube.
In the afternoon, all presenters joined Kathy LaPlante to deliver a workshop exploring the Four Points Approach in greater detail. After describing the different elements of each point, one of the presenters shared specific examples from their community. Ed Gaskin shared examples of promotion of a project along Blue Hill Avenue in Boston that involved the installation of 212 banners, each depicting an individual black woman leader from Massachusetts.
View the workshop presentation slides.
View news coverage of the “Black Women Who Lead” project
Event Speakers:
- Kathy LaPlante, Senior Director of Coordinating Programs, Main Street America
- Delilah Poupore, Executive Director, Heart of Biddeford (Maine)
- Ed Gaskin, Executive Director, Greater Grove Hall Main Streets (Boston)
- Michelle McCabe, Executive Director, Connecticut Main Street Center
- Gary Holloway, Downtown Program Coordinator, State of Vermont

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