Transit-Oriented Development
Leveraging Transit to Expand Housing Choices and Affordability
The Keynote Speaker was Dan Rivera, President & CEO of MassDevelopment (and former Mayor of Lawrence, MA)
Feb. 17, 2023 |RI Convention Center

A capacity crowd of 200 packed the Rotunda Room of the Rhode Island Convention Center to participate in Grow Smart RI’s Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) forum. The keynote speaker was Dan Rivera, CEO of MassDevelopment, Massachusetts’ leading economic development agency tasked with advancing TOD, among a myriad of initiatives. Also on the speaking program was Lt. Governor Sabina Matos, General Treasurer James Diossa, Speaker of the House K. Joseph Shekarchi, RIPTA CEO Scott Avedisian, Housing Secretary Stefan Pryor and municipal CEO’s Don Grebien of Pawtucket, Maria Rivera of Central Falls, Frank Picozzi of Warwick, Kate Michaud of Warren and Robert Sullivan of Brockton, MA.
The primary goal of the forum was to broaden awareness and understanding of TOD as a strategy for creating attractive, vibrant neighborhoods with abundant new housing choices close to jobs, services and the destinations of daily life. The forum highlighted TOD’s role in reducing barriers to racial justice, reducing climate emissions and saving families thousands on transportation costs, the 2nd highest household expense after housing.
The forum also examined the vital and necessary tools, policies and incentives that support efficient TOD, with a particular focus on tools and policies that are proving effective at incentivizing TOD in Massachusetts.
The free-to-attend event was supported by a grant from the United Way of RI, along with generous sponsorships.
Video worth watching
Introductory Remarks (11 mins)
Scott Wolf, Executive Director
Grow Smart RI
Remarks by Stefan Pryor (11 mins)
Rhode Island Department of Housing
Remarks by Scott Avedisian (7 mins)
Chief Executive Officer
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Keynote Remarks by Dan Rivera (38 mins)
CEO, MassDevelopment
Intro by RI General Treasurer James Diossa
Remarks by K. Joseph Shekarchi (9 mins)
Speaker of the House
Rhode Island General Assembly
Mayoral Panel Discussion
Moderated by Brenda Clement, Director
HousingWorks RI
Rapid-fire Policy Presentations (41 mins)
Sarah Ingle, RIPTA; Sen. Meghan Kallman; Noah Koretz, MassDevelopmnt; Kara Kunst, Commerce RI; Jillian Finkle, Grow Smart RI; Bryce Kelley, HousingWorks RI; Ted Carman, Concord Sq. Planning & Development; Scott Wolf, Grow Smart RI; Amy Rainone, RI Housing; Bill Fazioli, RI Infrastructure Bank
Thank you Forum Sponsors:

This was the Agenda:
Introduction by RI General Treasurer James Diossa
Keynote speaker Dan Rivera, CEO, MassDevelopment, Former Mayor of Lawrence, MA. A Massachusetts Perspective on Transit-Oriented Development
The Developer perspective on TOD, plus 5-min overviews of 4 TOD districts: their history, progress, challenges and lessons learned
Moderator: Brenda Clement, Director, HousingWorks RI
Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, City of Brockton, MA
Ted Carman, President, Concord Sq. Planning & Development
Mayor Don Grebien, City of Pawtucket (Conant Thread District)
Mayor Maria Rivera, City of Central Falls (Conant Thread District)
Mayor Frank Picozzi, City of Warwick (City Centre Warwick)
Town Manager Kate Michaud, Town of Warren (Metacom Corridor)
Dan Rivera, CEO, MassDevelopment
Capacity Enhancements & State Infrastructure
Transit Master Plan (TMP)
TMP funding proposal (modeled after one in MA)
Transformative Development Initiative (TDI)
RI Site Readiness Program
Zoning & Land Use Reform
Zoning Atlas
MA Chapter 40 (40-R, 40-S, 40A, Section 3)
Proposed TOD legislation (modeled after Chapter 40-A, Section 3 above)
State Historic Tax Credit / Rebuild RI Tax Credit
Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) Massachusetts
Housing Incentives for Municipalities (enacted in RI 2021)
State Tax Increment Financing (TIF) (enabled by statute but inactive)
Municipal Infrastructure Grant Program (enacted in RI 2018)