Street Trees: Super Heroes of Main Street
Thursday, August 1, 2024
12:00 noon – 1:00 PM
Online via Zoom
View the meeting’s chat HERE.

They sure look nice, but we’re told they’re expensive to maintain and ruin the sidewalks. However, the benefits of street trees more than make up for any challenges! In commercial districts, trees provide shade for walkability, reduce the temperature on hot days, slow traffic, and have even been correlated with lower stress as well as higher sales for nearby businesses! Discuss how to plan for and finance tree planting, as well as how to plant and care for trees in urban areas, what needs to be considered, and options for your Main Street to benefit from these super heroes.
Jim Vandermillen, Director of Planning and Economic Development, City of Central Falls
Jacq Hall, Special Projects Coordinator, Groundwork RI