GSRI Land Use
Training Collaborative

An alliance of agencies and organizations
that share a commitment to the principles of smart growth
and sustainable community development.

We believe that the work done today by municipal councils, boards, commissions and staff in addition to Rhode Island’s professional planners, designers, and developers will largely determine Rhode Island’s future quality of life and economic progress.


Our Land Use Training Collaborative supports community planning by developing and delivering cost-effective training. Participants learn about innovative planning, design, and financing strategies — building on their planning and decision-making capabilities.


By partnering together, Collaborative partners maximize their collective resources and bring a range of outlooks and expertise to workshop development. This helps ensure that our programs present a balanced, comprehensive approach to land use issues. From its beginning in late 2001 through 2011, the Land Use Training Collaborative developed and delivered more than 30 different workshops to more than 2,600 attendees.


We charge modest registration fees in order to make our programs affordable. Collaborative partners keep costs down by contributing staff time to program development and delivery, and experienced professionals in various fields volunteer their time as workshop presenters. Program costs are covered largely by grants from state government, foundations, and corporations.


For information about the Grow Smart RI Land Use Training Collaborative,

please contact C.J. Opperthauser, Training Manager, at