Getting Started with Main Street Management
Thursday January 23, 2025
12:00 noon – 1:30 PM
Online via Zoom
For our first Roundtable of 2025, we welcomed our friends from the Connecticut Main Street Center to lead us in a webinar introducing the core, proven concepts of Main Street management.

Creating and maintaining a vibrant Main Street is a commitment. It does not happen overnight and requires consistent attention and management. There are many moving parts – stakeholders with different agendas, external market and economic factors out of your control, and limited resources. The good news is there is model that has been replicated across the country for decades to help guide your initiatives and priorities.
In this webinar, you’ll gain an understanding of what main street management is and why it is so important, get familiar with the Main Street Management Four Point Approach, and receive some ideas on how you can start implementing the approach into your Main Street.
Presenters from the Connecticut Main Street Center:
Michelle Lapine McCabe, Executive Director
Kristen Lopez, Senior Director of Programs
View the meeting chat HERE.
The 4-Point Approach
The four key points shared below are central to the Main Street Approach towards building vibrant communities, as generously outlined and defined for us by the Connecticut Main Street Center. They have been a great model and partner for us as we build our own Main Street Center here in Rhode Island.
The Connecticut Main Street Center would be the first to say that this work is incremental. It takes time. And for many of our local Main Street partners, much of what’s outlined here will feel aspirational. That’s okay. Don’t be intimidated and see what you can chip away at one day at a time.
This core point, which is the foundation of any successful Main Street initiative, involves creating a strong base for your sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for your district. Strong organization looks like:
Community Stakeholder Support: Community stakeholders are in consensus of the vision for your Main Street AND the municipality actively supports your Main Street through resource allocation.
Public Safety: Public safety is involved as a revitalization partner.
Board of Directors: There is an active, diverse Board of Directors.
Strategic Planning and Work Plan: There is a work plan regularly updated to align with a current strategic plan for your Main Street.
Administration: There is a full-time, paid staff person dedicated to your Main Street.
Financial Management: Financial management best practices are followed.
Funding: There are multiple revenue streams to support your Main Street revitalization.
Demonstrating Impact: Accomplishments are regularly communicated to stakeholders.
Messaging and Outreach: Multiple communication channels are consistently used to update stakeholders and promote activity.
Volunteers: There is a volunteer management strategy in place.

image courtesy of the Connecticut Main Street Center
For more in depth tips and tools on how to build the ORGANIZATION behind your Main Street, watch this video prepared by the Connecticut Main Street Center.

Economic Vitality
The idea behind Economic Vitality focuses on the capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools that assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies. Strong and effective Economic Vitality looks like:
District Knowledge & Data: Your Main Street assets are documented.
Historic Preservation: There is a historic preservation ethos.
Housing: Your zoning supports the development of housing downtown.
Vacant Storefronts and Lots: You have a plan for vacant storefronts and lots.
Recruiting Businesses: You have a strategic plan to recruit businesses based on the needs and wants of your community.
Property Owner Engagement: Your property owners are regularly engaged.
Attracting Development: You have a “one-stop-shop” approach for developers and other Main Street investors.
Small Business Support & Ecosystem: Your small businesses are supported.
For more in depth tips and tools on how to build the ECONOMIC VITALITY of your Main Street, watch this video prepared by the Connecticut Main Street Center.
The concepts behind Design support a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual assets that set the commercial distract apart. Good and effective Design looks like:
Sidewalks and Crosswalks: Your sidewalks are in good condition and are accessible.
Building facades / Historic Preservation: Your building facades are in good condition and are historically restored.
Graffiti & Litter Removal: Your Main Street is kept clean.
Bike Lanes & Public Transit: People can travel to and get around your Main Street using bike lanes and public transit.
Green Spaces: Your green spaces are appropriately maintained.
Parking: You promote your parking.
Public Art: Public art is used to activate your Main Street.
Lighting: There is adequate Main Street lighting that is equitably and artfully implemented.
Signage and Wayfinding: Your downtown signage is easy to read and in good condition.
Window Displays: Your Main Street businesses have attractive window displays.
For more in depth tips and tools on how to build the DESIGN of your Main Street, watch this video prepared by the Connecticut Main Street Center.
The concept behind Promotion positions the downtown or commercial district as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, while creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics. Effective Promotion looks like:
Attitudes and Perceptions: You keep the pulse of attitudes and perceptions.
Branding and Positioning: You have consistent, strategic branding that uniquely positions your community.
Retail Promotions: You host or facilitate activities that highlight goods and services offered by your downtown businesses.
Special Events: You host strategic special events to draw in large crowds and visitors.
For more in depth tips and tools on how to build the PROMOTION of your Main Street, watch this video prepared by the Connecticut Main Street Center.