At Grow Smart RI, we’re focusing on five capacity areas to achieve our mission.
Our Capacities
Research and analysis
We generate, integrate, apply, and share research and new knowledge — serving as a trusted resource for relevant data and insight.
Policy development
We produce smart growth policy proposals and reforms for Rhode Island that integrate and optimize economic and community revitalization, housing, transportation, and natural resource conservation.
Thought leadership and advocacy
Applying our experience and knowledge to foster a critical mass of support for smart growth practices and other policy ideas and reforms that improve the economic, environmental, and social wellbeing of all residents.
Convening and collaboration
We build, convene, and support extensive public- and private-sector networks and partnerships to advance the benefits of smart growth.
Public visibility and awareness
We enhance awareness and knowledge of smart growth principles and our work among opinion leaders, decision makers, our community partners, and the general public.
Grow Smart RI’s Mission Statement
To lead and engage Rhode Islanders in advancing neighborhood revitalization, environmental stewardship, and economic opportunity for all.
Our Mailing Address
PO Box 3
Providence, RI 02901